Explore the unique features of the RENSARK 3000 from Rensark Industries via this handy user guide.

Rensark Industries introduced the RENSARK 3000 in 1982.

Born from the dreams of a 12 year old child, lamenting the loss of a precious kitten (squished in a horrific driveway accident), the idea of re-animation for kittens was born.

Although not a new idea, clearly HP Lovecraft was well on to this, there was no package commercially available to the average tween. Surprisingly though the need to re-animate your dead kitten didn’t really take off. Despite extensive trials the technology just wasn’t up to scratch often resulting in freakish mutations. The product was withdrawn after initial trials.

Rensark Industries moved on to new ideas but a user guide to the Rensark 3000 still exists and is partly detailed here. The guide, along with eight exclusive prints, were reproduced to commemorate the Rensark 3000 30th anniversary for an exhibition in Canberra.

“HP Lovecraft would rise from his grave if this was real”

Andy Heaney, Canberra.

Detail from fold out exhibition guide

A3 digital prints from the exhibition.

User — digital print on archival paper

Luna Tunes Was The Name Of My Cat — digital print on archival paper

Dare to Dream — digital print on archival paper

Congratulations On Your Purchase — digital print on archival paper